Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dan Snidyr

I am the owner of the Washington Redskins football team. I was born in 1965, Im married to my lovely wife Tonya and have three beautiful children.Besides that the issue that is very heated right now is if we should change the logo of the redskins. I believe that we should not change it. The name the "Redskins" is not meant to affend anyone of any race. "It means wonderful things. It means success, it means pride, it means integrity, honor and winning tradition. All of those great things, plus many more, are what the Redskins are all about for Washington and all of the Washington Redkin fans throughout the nation." http://web.syr.edu/~ajhill/dan.html I apologize for any inconvienence that has been caused but I dont think that we should change the name.


Moe said...

I agree with you. I do not think it matters the name of the team. I don't understand how it offends the Indians. Especially if the name means something good.I think if people knew about what the real meaning of the name was then people might have a different opinion.
Ronnie Tall Bear

claire said...
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claire said...

As an indian, I am offended by the name redskins. I do not like the idea of watching our fans dress up and mock my culture. I know you say you do not mean to offend anyone by havinf hte name the redskins, but I am very offended if it is intentional or not. I just want you to consider the idea of changing your name to something non offensive, would it really be that hard for you and your team.
Ray Strong Bull of Wings

Breezy said...

I would have to disagree with the fact 'Redskins' is a non-racial slur for the team. It is indeed racist in some aspects, because we should not be differentiating our races by skin color. As a Native American, I myself am quite offended by this name and would therefore like to just say that the name is offensive and should bring up more of a controversy than most.
~Myra Peterson

Rachel said...

Hey I'm the fifth jury member. What's your view on the mascot? Do you think UND should be able to keep it or should have to make a new one. Thanks!
- Amy Red Oak

court said...

I agree with you completely. It should be an honor that people want to have Indians as a mascot. No one is making fun of them. People just take things to seriously these days. People were argueing if we shouold be able to say "under God" in school when saying the pledge of alligence.
Frank Hayden

Hibbs said...

Alright my name is Doris Looks Away but i am not looking away from what you said because lets just go to the simplistics. I think the fighting Sioux is an honorable name of recognition and should not be taken the wrong way. but for YOUR team as the Washington RedSkins. Thats just bad. Ha thats like making a team name WAshington REdNecks or Washington Blackskins. Ha it is very offensive and you should double think your name!

caitlin said...

My husbands skin is not red, and I do think your teams name is very offensive. I think that all teams that use Indians as mascots are very offensive. You should stop acting like you are trying to support Native Americans. If you were trying to support their culture you would not refer to them as redskins.

-Doris Strickland

sarah said...
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sarah said...

As a leader of the AIM, i am very offended by this and feel that you should change your teams name and mascots. You are not trying to suport my culture because obviouly we all find it very offensive and wrong of you to be doing this. If you truly did think that it was not a big deal, you would be considerate of us and change your teams name and mascot. It's not hurting you or your team if you change the name, the only people you are hurting by this is us Indians so please change it.


Anonymous said...

Tradition is a big deal but not all traditions are worth keeping. The fact that people are being emotionally scarred by the mascot is definately a valid reason for change. If the mascot was called "The White Crackas" wouldn't you be offended? Racial insults are never necessary.

MLarson said...

I am very offended that you think that. As a schoolteacher this is not something we should be telling children mis alright. It is not o.k. to use that or any logo that is offensive to a group of people. I want you to think about what you would want your children learning.

Jason said...

Dear Dan Snidyr,

I think that you couldn't be more wrong. Redskins is a derogatory term used to put down these people. I hope when the jury members vote to get rid of these offensive names that you run , because a lot of people are going to be mad at you. well i hope you have a nice day though and change your mind about this situation.
Daisy McAuley

kyle said...
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kyle said...

Dear Mr. Snidyr,
I'm not singling you and your team out personally, but more as a whole. All the discrepancies and fights over whether or not mascots with negative connotations should be changed or not does not have to result in your teams demise. A simple makeover, however, may benefit you. Your teams and others are well-known for the mockery they bring to the meaningful traditions and rituals of the Native Americans. Maybe you would consider meeting with a few highly respected Natives and discuss making your mascot more respectful, portraying accurate Native ways.

-Gunther Foy

Mackin said...

I agree! In this context, it is not a political statement at all! Everyone is trying to twist it around, but when the school adopted the name, no one on the Creative Board thought it would be taken in that way. I think as a fellow sports fan, it is important for us sports fans to tell everyone that they need to be seperating politics from sports. This is sports, y'all! We just want to have a good representative for our team. Rah Rah Fighting Sioux!

imhungry4food said...

As a native american women i am aslo very offended by the name "redskins". Perhaps your name should be changed to washington "whitetrash" then perhaps you could see why i feel the way i do about the name. We are native American's, not redskins. i find it to be a very offensive name. At least NDSU has enough respect for Native americans to address us properly as "Sioux" the fighting part is debatable but they don't refer to us as "redskins". we have names.
-Winona Yepa

Bailey said...

Thank you Dan! im glad that we are seeing eye to eye on this whole situation. you, as an owner of a team that large must find this insanely annoying and difficult to deal with.
One love,
Kris Porter